Developmental Screening
Early intervention can make a world of difference for infants and toddlers with a developmental concern or delay. Early screening and intervention identify the services and support to promote each child’s optimal development and support for parents in meeting their child’s needs.
Screening for developmentally appropriate milestones is imperative to ensure children are on track to thrive beginning at birth. EO is leading the Developmental Screening Initiative, promoting early detection and connections with services to support children ages birth through five physically, socially, and emotionally preparing to enter school.
Through an investment of Title V funds from the Virginia Department of Health, the Developmental Screening Initiative focuses on building community-wide systems to ensure that children from birth to age five are screened and achieving developmentally appropriate milestones.
We create a strategic developmental screening work plan with community stakeholders to reduce barriers and gaps and promote equity of services for all young children and their families. We provide ongoing training, technical assistance, and education about the importance and value of completing a developmental screening tool for the children and families served by local providers.
Utilizing the Ages and Stages Questionnaires, a nationally recognized and widely used developmental screening tool, our screening and assessment practices help providers identify children’s and families’ needs early in the process and tailor services to meet those needs. Both the ASQ:3 and the ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are used.
The ASQ:3 tool screens areas of:
- communication
- gross motor skills
- fine motor skills
- problem-solving skills
- personal social skills.
The ASQ:SE-2 tool screens areas of:
- self-regulation
- compliance
- social communication
- adaptive functioning skills
- autonomy
- affect
- interaction with people
Parents can complete both tools and can easily be scored within 3-5 minutes for each child. The scores tell parents the cutoff points for development, further assessment needs, and whether the child should be monitored or rescreened at a later date.
If you are an early educator, pediatrician, child care provider, or other provider interested in learning more about the ASQ tools, contact us!
If you are a family member interested in ASQ screenings, contact your childcare provider or explore this free assessment tool.