EO’s mission is to research, pilot, and scale innovative solutions so that people and communities can thrive.

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As the needs of Southwest Virginians change, so too do the best practices for meeting those needs.

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Together, we can create endless opportunities for our region to thrive.

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Creating trauma-informed classrooms and community spaces gives students, educators, and families a better chance at success. 

Trauma can come in many forms and creates a cascade of social, emotional, and academic difficulties that can interfere with a student's ability to succeed in school. Studies have shown that children who experience unusual levels of trauma experience higher than normal rates of disease as adults. Children who experience trauma may also have delayed socio-emotional development and struggle to succeed or fit in at school. The recent global pandemic introduced even more traumatic experiences to our communities, as families lost loved ones and struggled to find necessities like childcare and food.

To better help our communities thrive, EO has committed to a trauma-informed approach to our work.

Southwest Virginia Trauma-Informed Community Network

EO leads the Southwest Virginia Trauma-informed Community Network (TICN). As a member of this multi-sector coalition of 31 networks throughout the state, we focus on building resilience and trauma-informed practice. READ MORE about the VA TICN network. 

Community Schools

Community Schools is a nationally recognized, evidence-based approach that builds a safety net between families, educators, healthcare professionals, social workers, community agencies, businesses, higher education, and others in order to meet each student’s unique needs and talents. EO offers several initiatives under the Community Schools framework, including Care Closets. READ MORE about EO's work with Community Schools.

Communities in Schools

Community in Schools provides site coordinators who work inside the school building all day, every day, to help students with basic needs and eliminate barriers to student success. EO is a Community in Schools partner and advocate. READ MORE about the national Communities in Schools framework. 

Community Service Boards

Community Service Boards function as service providers, community educators, organizers and planners, and advisors to their local governments. They work to enable individuals with mental illnesses, mental retardation, and substance abuse needs to access services in state mental health and mental retardation facilities through preadmission screening, case management, and discharge planning. READ MORE about our local Community Service Boards.

Resilience Week 2024 Resources

Trauma Toolkit

Trauma Toolkit

Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency Charity Navigator Four Star Charity


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